Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm not a morning person--no more--day 1

Are you wondering if I woke up on time?  First let me tell you about my night.  I did not get to bed on time.  I lost track while blogging.  I went to bed at 9:58 pm.  I woke up at 3:38 am with a splitting headache.  I took some medicine but it did not kick in until about 40 minutes later and I went back to sleep.  My youngest daughter (7 months old) woke up to nurse at 5:09 am.  My alarm was set for 5:15 am.  So I did not have any trouble waking up but my baby girl did not fall back to sleep.  I tried to put her back down twice but she just wanted to be in her mama's arm.  She usually goes back to sleep for about another two hours but not this morning.  As I was trying to rock her back to sleep, I started to think how my night went and what a came up with was that,  you know who is trying to discourage me not to wake up early to pray.  So, I started to pray as I rocked my baby girl.  Once she woke up from my arms, we both went downstairs and prayed the Rosary.  I played my Rosary CD which I like to do when I pray the Rosary with my girls in case I get distracted with one of them.

My night or morning did turn out as I hoped it would but it definitely has given me the determinations to keep on going.  I did not get the chance to take a shower before my girls woke up but waking up early to pray sure did give me the grace and energy I needed for the day.  Praise God!  If you know who is trying to discourage me, well, that tells me this new morning routine is what I need to strength my relationship with God.  

One thing I did learn, put an alarm to remind yourself of your bedtime.  

A couple of wonderful mothers are going to join me on this challenge.  We are going to send each other messages to make sure we wake up.  Please keep us in your prayers.  ¡Buenas Noches!    

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